You are Parenting

Motherhood is huge! There are amazing moments and there are some really tough ones too. And we all feel like we need some extra support sometimes as we try and raise our children to the best of our ability. 

The Babes Project supports women until their babies are one year old.  We do find however, that the earlier we meet you, the better we can work together as you navigate your parenting journey. Because of this, it is best if you connect with The Babes Project before your baby is 6 weeks old.

If your baby is older than 6 weeks we would recommend contacting your Maternal and Child Health Nurse to see what services are available that are relevant to your support needs. 

If your baby is younger than 6 weeks old, check out more info about our program and, if you feel like The Babes Project might be helpful for you please fill out the referral form.

Once the form is received, we will call you to chat further about your needs.